Submit your expense receipts by email

Updated by Julien Finet

An easy way to send your receipts to Sleek accountants is to simply send them attached by email to your dedicated email-in address!

Steps to submit your expense receipts by email

  1. Send your accounting document to your unique dedicated email-in:
    1. For expenses paid by the company bank account, send to:
    2. For expenses you want to claim back from the the company, send to:
    3. For your sales invoices, if they are not already recorded in your accounting system, send to:
  2. Attach your receipt/document to your email:
  • The format should be: .jpg, .png, .pdf, .docx or .xlsx - Other formats will trigger an error
  • Your attachment size limit is 5 Mb per document and 25 Mb together for all attachments per email submission
  1. Send your email.
Please note that any email-in address is only used to receive your documents. No one will reply to you if you send a message to such address!

Manage your email-in username

You can change your username to whatever you like, as long as it is unique and respects email address formatting: it can't contain special characters like: " ( ) , : ; < > @ [ \ ]. Other special characters like & or $ should work.

You can change your username at any point of time in the users management page in Sleek app. Check our users management help for more information. After changing your email-in, the old one will not work anymore and will be available for anyone to take.

Each email-in is unique to a user and a company. If you have several companies with us, then you will need one specific email-in for each of them.

You may contact should you face any issue in submitting your documents via email.

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