What is Self-Help Group (SHG)?

Self-Help Group (SHG)

The Self-Help Groups (SHGs) are set up to uplift the less privileged and low-income households in the Chinese, Eurasian, Muslim and Indian communities.

Is SHG compulsory?

SHG Contribution are expected to deduct on employee’s monthly salary if they fall on below 4 SHG category BUT employees who do not wish to contribute can submit an opt-out form to their respective SHD and copy should be provided to us.

SHG funds are as follows:

Fund Type


Employees refer to:

Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC) Fund

Administered by CDAC

Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents, belonging to the Chinese community.

Eurasian Community Fund (ECF)

Administered by the Eurasian Association EA

Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents, belonging to the Eurasian community.  

Mosque Building and Mendaki Fund (MBMF)

Administered by Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS)

All working Muslims in Singapore who are Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and foreign employees either on an Employment Pass or a Work Permit.

Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA) Fund

Administered by SINDA

All working Indians in Singapore who are Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and Employment Pass holders and are of Indian descent.

Employers can pay SHG together with employees’ monthly CPF contributions.

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