Change of shareholder's particulars

To change a shareholder's particulars, you need to submit a request through Sleek's platform. Then, Sleek will process your request and lodge with ACRA.

Below are the steps and process to change a shareholder's particulars.

1 - Submit a request through Sleek's platform

  1. Log in to your account on Sleek platform;
  2. On the left of your dashboard, click on 'Requests';
  3. On the right side of the screen, choose "I would like to request a change of shareholder's particulars";
  4. Scroll down and click "Create a new request";
  5. Fill in the required information and click "Next" after completing;
  6. Your request is now received and will be processed by our team!
You may refer to this quick video guide on the steps above.

2 - Next steps after the request

  1. Upon receiving the request, Sleek's compliance team will review the new information and the KYC documents of the shareholder. This generally takes 2-3 working days.
  2. After that, Sleek's corporate secretary team will lodge with ACRA.

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