Submit and manage your purchase invoices and receipts with Sleek SG

Updated by Julien Finet

At Sleek, we aim at making it easy for you to send your receipts to our accountants. You will find below information on what documents to submit, how to submit them and how you can manage them in the Sleek app.

Submit my documents to Sleek Accounting

Here are the various channels that you can use to submit your accounting documents:

What documents must I submit?

In Singapore, accounting is proof based so you need to justify all transactions.

Any document detailing the transaction, such as a receipt or a tax invoice, will work. If you don't have such a document, you need to provide a proxy, like a contract mentioning the amount paid, that can help justify the transaction.

You don't need to keep the paper copy in Singapore! A soft copy is sufficient for your archive.

What is the difference between Company Expenses and Expense Claims?

Company Expenses are company purchases paid from the bank account of the company directly.

Expense Claims are company purchases paid by an individual e.g. an employee, a director or a shareholder. These expenses are a liability for the company towards the individual who paid for them and they are supposed to be reimbursed by the company eventually.

It is important to specify how your purchase is paid as the accounting treatment is different. For each channel, you will have a way to notify us easily. Check each submission channels documentation for more details.

Are there any guidelines regarding the document I need to submit?

The capture of your receipt doesn't need to be a work of art, but there are some rules you need to follow:

  • For your receipt, please make sure to capture the document in its entirety. Don't capture half of the document and let us guess the other part!
  • Don't send blur pictures or documents that are too bright/dark. A rule of thumb is that if you can't read yourself an invoice or receipt you submit to us, it is likely our system won't either.
  • Never take a photo of a computer screen with your phone camera to capture a receipt. Prefer a screenshot directly taken from your device.
  • Only capture 1 receipt per photo, 1 transaction per file you send.
  • In case you want to submit a receipt that is in the body of the email, please screenshot it or print it as pdf, before sending it again to your email-in as attachment. The email content will not be captured if you send only it.

Finally, please note that only files in pdf, jpg and png will be accepted.

Send your expenses as frequently as possible. No need to wait or hoard your receipts before sending them!

Manage the documents I submitted to Sleek Accounting

Access all the documents you submitted for your accounting on the Sleek Accounting page

For more information on what you can do on this page, you can check our dedicated help section.

Manage the users who can submit accounting documents to Sleek

You can add users to submit accounting documents and edit their details from the app if you are an Admin or Finance Contact of the company. Check our users management help for more information.

You may contact should you have any question.

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