How to SleekSign my documents?

Steps to SleekSign a document

  1. On the left side Sleek's platform, click on "SleekSign" and select "Documents to sign";
  2. If you are the Signee of the document, you will see the Sign button left to the document name. Click on the "Sign button to bring you to the document;
  3. Click on "Get Started" to start signing the document.
  4. On the document's page, click on the orange button "Show me" to indicate the fields for signature;
  5. Click the relevant fields and fill in the details;
  6. Upon completing all the fields, a green box "All fields have been signed" would appear to indicate that the fields for signature are completed are completed;
  7. Click on Completed on the top right hand corner to complete the document and send it
  8. The document is successfully signed

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